evergreen vets

Veterinary Care

Vets for Dogs, Cats and Small Pets

Poynton, Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire

Welcome to Evergreen Vets

We are a small, friendly, locally owned independent practice. Providing a professional and caring service for you and your pets. We are proud to be a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) accredited practice under the Practice Standards Scheme (PSS). Located in Poynton we have car parking to the rear of the surgery. Our consultations are by appointment only.

evergreen cat vets poynton All members of the Evergreen team are dedicated to treating every pet as if it were our own with empathy and understanding. We aim to exceed your expectations providing high quality good value veterinary care.

We advise a new pet health check with one of our vets or fully qualified nurses to every client who registers their new pet with us. Our experienced nurses and vets are also able to offer a wide variety of advice, ranging from dental hygiene, weight clinics, nutrition & senior health monitoring programs.

evergreen vets poynton

Please enjoy browsing our website.

Prescriptions are available from this practice
You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines Veterinary, (POM-Vs) from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy.

Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe POM-Vs only for animals under their care. A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary. You will be informed, on request, of the price of any medicine that may be dispensed for your animal.

The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every 6 months (12 months for flea and wormer), but this may vary with individual circumstances.

Please note we require 48 hours notice for repeat prescriptions.
Pets who are prescribed ongoing medications for medical conditions will need a 6 monthly medication review with a Veterinary Surgeon.

For information about any medication prescribed for your pet please visit:


Monthly flea and worming subscriptions by direct debit. We are very pleased to announce Vets Deliver prescription flea and worm treatments delivered direct to your door". Prices start from £9.99 - £18.99 a month (weight dependent). Please click on the link to subscribe.

From 1st September the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS, regulatory body for the veterinary profession in the UK) is introducing new guidance on prescribing prescription-only medicines. The full guidance can be found on: https://www.rcvs.org.uk/setting-standards/advice-and-guidance/under-care-new-guidance/ The new guidance requires that a physical examination of the pet has to be performed every time any antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and antiparasiticides are prescribed. This includes topical preparations such as ear and eye drops, and all prescription flea/worm/tick products.

The guidance is an important step towards ensuring responsible antimicrobial use and reducing the veterinary impact on the wider issues of global antibiotic resistance and decline of insect populations. What this means in practice is that your pet will need to come in for an in-person consultation every time - we need to prescribe medication for an ear infection (as most contain antibiotics) - we need to prescribe antibiotics for any skin problem, even if it’s a chronic problem - we/you decide to change from one flea/worm/tick product to another - we suspect a urinary tract infection (remote/online consultation and urine analysis/culture are no longer sufficient) - we suspect a gastrointestinal infection (remote/online consultation and faecal analysis/culture are no longer sufficient)

We also can no longer prescribe prescription deworming products on the basis of a laboratory report alone, we will need to see the pet for a consultation and physical examination first. For long term prescription medication that is not an antimicrobial/antiparasitic, our usual policy of requiring an examination every 6 months (or every 3 months in some less stable or more serious cases) continues to apply. The consultations are charged at our usual fee, depending on whether it’s an initial consultation or one for a recurring problem. If you have any questions or concerns about the new guidance, RCVS can be contacted on: 020 7202 0789 or advice@rcvs.org.uk.
Evergreen News:

Digital practice will go live on Monday 20th November

You will be able to send a whatsapp message to the team, order repeat prescriptions, receive information sheets and much more. Please save 07723485061 to your contacts in whatsapp

New team members

We welcome our new team member Jane Moriarty who is an RVN and working as an animal care assistant (ACA). Also we would like to welcome Sarah Critchlow RVN to the team.

New team member

We would like to welcome Dr. Elaine Griffiths BVSc MRCVS to the team. Elaine graduated in 2009 and will work alongside Charlie and Sian.

Old and Unused Medications.

Please return any unused or old medications to the surgery for safe disposal. Disposing of old medications into general waste/landfill has a detrimental effect on the environment.

Monthly flea and worming subscriptions by direct debit.

We are very pleased to announce Vets Deliver prescription flea and worm treatments delivered direct to your door". Prices start from £9.99 - £18.99 a month (weight dependent). Please click on the link to subscribe. evergreenvets.easydirectdebits.co.uk

New Team Member

We would like welcome Lindsay Bradburn our new receptionist to the team and thank you for your patience whilst Lindsay is training

Postal Service

We are in the process of setting up a postal subscription service for flea and wormer - watch this space

Important Note

Dr. Sian Beard our official veterinarian who currently deals with all Animal Health Certificates (AHC) for foreign pet travel is on annual leave between 23-29th August so will be unavailable for AHC appointments during these dates

Recent Lungworm Cases

We have seen a couple of cases of lungworm recently. We advise monthly worming as a preventative measure. Please see our Facebook post for more information


We will be running a booster vaccination clinic one Saturday morning a month by pre-bookable appointment only. Please telephone the surgery for dates and to book

New Addition

Welcome to our newest and tiniest Team Evergreen member. Pepper was welcomed into the world by Charlie and her husband Matt on Sunday 9th January. Mum, dad and Pepper are all well and looking forward to seeing the rest of the team soon. 

Booster Vaccination Clinic

We will be running a booster vaccination clinic on the first Saturday of every month by appointment only. The phones will continue to go through to A&E vets during our Saturday morning booster clinic so if you wish to change your apt we require 24 hours notice.

New Team member

In December we welcomed Dr. Sian Beard BVSc MRCVS to the team. Some of you may recognise her from out of hours visits to the hospital, as she has previously worked at Woodcroft.


Polite notice. Payment is required at the time of treatment. We also use an online payment system called Blink360 we can send you a link so repeat prescriptions and preventative medications can be paid for prior to collection

New Team Member

We welcome Emma Judson RVN to the team. Emma is a very experienced Veterinary Nurse who has joined us from the Veterinary Hospital.

Surgery Opening

From Monday 15th March the surgery will be open from 9am till 6pm Monday to Friday.

Covid 19 Announcement

From 4th January 2022 we will be allowing clients to enter the practice if they are wearing a mask. We will be operating a one way system with only 2 clients permitted into the practice at any time. Please enter through the back door and exit through the front door. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping our staff and clients safe.

Customer Information
Evergreen Vets 
63 London Road South, 
Poynton, Stockport, 
Cheshire SK12 1LA

Tel 01625 859019 

Evergreen Vets - Evergreen Hydrotherapy
Opening Hours
Monday 8.30am - 6.00pm
Tuesday 8.30am - 6.00pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 6.00pm
Thursday 8.30am - 6.00pm
Friday 8.30am - 6.00pm
Saturday - currently closed

Out of hours are covered by A&E Vets in Cheadle. Please call them on 0161 486 2355 if you need advice or your pet needs to be seen when Evergreen is closed.
Location Map

Please note we require 24 hours notice for appointment cancellations, failure to give notice will result in a £10 cancellation fee